Datenbank > Objekt > Interview with Hans Knoll on mobility between..

Interview with Hans Knoll on mobility between Vienna/Budapest/Bratislava and Russia in the art scene from the perspective of a gallery owner

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Dieses Objekt befindet sich im Archiv der basis wien.

Wien / Österreich

Jahr / Datum



Typ / Format: Loseblattsammlung, DIN A4 // Typ / Format:Typ / Format: digitale Datei, MP3 // This interview was conducted by the participants of the first workshop of the project Art Archive Study. Before and after 2004, in Vienna on 4 April 2023.The project is "Art Archives Study. Before and after 2004 is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union (2023–2024)

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zuletzt geändert am 26.09.2024

Kunst- und Forschungsdatenbank - basis wien