Datenbank > Institutionen > Loris


since 2007
Berlin / Deutschland

LORIS (since 2007) is a project by 9 artists from Berlin: Sophie Aigner, Ulrike Hannemann, Andy Heller, Ruth Hommelsheim, Werner Huthmacher, Ulrike Kolb, Oliver Krebs, Anne Metzen, Nina Wiensagrotzki.

Photography, video, and installation form the methodological interface of the participating artists. Topics like urbanity and naturalness, constructions of identity versus the collective social body, processes of memory and knowledge indicate the diversity with regards to content. In spite of the heterogenity of approaches the artists are united by their effort to critically capture and transform reality and to experiment at the borders of the respective media.... Thus with Loris a platform has developed that allows the artists to act freely and work at visual, but also societal, political, and social implementations of artistic questions.

Parallel to monthly individual presentations of the Loris artists the format Open Space is implemented. Open space initiates cooperations with invited colleagues, international artist groups, and exhibition spaces. Furthermore the format Blue Monday is able to surprise: on Monday evenings in between exhibitions there is free space for experimental lectures, screenings, and concerts. Beyond the work in questions of content the group wants to establish and use a collective network structure and exhibition platform. It is the goal to establish contacts to collectors, curators, institutions, and galleries and therewith realize exhibitions in Germany and abroad.


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