Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > SORRY - Publication Release

SORRY - Publication Release

Sorry. 2016 [Cover]

12.07.2016 - 12.07.2016

gärtnergasse, Wien / Österreich

invited by Handbag

right now i'm sitting at gärtnergasse1. i feel very weird honestly even though it finally started to rain after such a damp and hot day. i knew that it would have to become dark for me to finally be able to think clear again. so i was standing outside ok the street just now my palms shaping a two little bathtubs for the drops to fall into. i don't know if i should pray or cry. hysteria has not reached me yet. the publications are somewhere in a car from bratislava to vienna.... the driver is not picking up the phone. our table is empty and our fridge is full. i can only offer you to wait here with me in the rain.
i am very sorry

SORRY is a publication with contributions by

Isaac Contreras
Jennifer Gelardo
Birke Gorm
Katharina Hölzl
Fabian Leitgeb
Pia Pedersen
Martyn Reynolds
Ea Stjernholm
Josef Strau
Alain Volpe
Julija Zaharijevic
Julia Znoj



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