Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Performative Screenings #26. Simone Bader. TEXT ON TEXTILE...

Performative Screenings #26. Simone Bader. TEXT ON TEXTILE. Ulrike Müller. HERSTORY INVENTORY

16.05.2014 - 16.05.2014

school, Wien / Österreich

text on textile visualizes aspects from the seminar teaching and learning. Quotes by bell hooks from Teaching to Transgress, a book that was on the reading list for the project seminar by Ruth Sonderegger and Simone Bader with students of the Master For Critical Studies Program at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. As a projection all illustrated pages out of Century of Women. The history of women in Britain and the United States by Sheila Rowbotham are juxtaposed with the question „What images exist of what women did?“
text on textile may be seen as creating a setting for the evening....
Simone Bader is an artist and since 1992 she works in a collaboration with Jo Schmeiser as female art group Klub Zwei.

Herstory Inventory originated in 2007, when Ulrike Müller found an inventory list describing a collection of feminist T-shirts in the Lesbian Herstory Archives in Brooklyn. Over the next several years, she invited 100 artists to retranslate the descriptions into drawings. The result, Herstory Inventory: 100 Feminist Drawings by 100 Artists (2009–2012), is a collaborative rethinking of feminist imagery that reflects a wide range of political desires and representational strategies. Following several museum presentations, the project’s most recent iteration engages the format of the book as its venue. The publication is edited by Barbara Schroeder, Karen Kelly and Ulrike Müller, and designed by Tiffany Malakooti. Together they lovingly transposed Herstory Inventory onto 272 printed pages. In addition to color reproductions of the full inventory, the book includes a narrative chronology of the project, edited from Ulrike’s email correspondence with the participating artists and others involved. The Herstory Inventory publication aims to present an archive and a model, but most of all it intends to further present to you what has been a snowballing fun- and thought-provoking collaborative endeavor.



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