Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Performative Screenings # 3. OUTSIDE. Melanie Ohnemus

Performative Screenings # 3. OUTSIDE. Melanie Ohnemus

01.07.2011 - 01.07.2011

With films by: Nina Könnemann, You Never Know (Martin Ebner, Max Moswitzer, Peter Muhr), Jimmie Durham, Kurt Kren, Julia Feyrer, David Lamelas

DJ Johannes Schweiger

The film program Outside originated when I was mulling over the films Tourbillon by Nina Könnemann and Cumulative Script by David Lamelas. Tourbillon features a scenery in a street in a little village in Luxemburg (if I remember things clearly); cars are moving up and down a lightly gradient curve, children are rolling on the floor, laughing, one senses that something that must just have happend made quite a splash.... An old man is pacing up and down the curvy street. One learns that a little tornado had just hit the village. In Cumulative Script two young men are setting out for something from different starting points in London. Eventually they meet on a meadow in Hampstead Heath, chat a bit, then start to grapple with each other. They grapple in the grass, just for fun, hang around a bit longer, smoke a cigarette, then walk away.
Well, I thought about selecting films of which I think they would feature plots that barely tell a real story, and at the same time happen to take place outside. Twisted things in the exterior environment. In this way the program is not linked to a specific topic, Id rather like it to be understood as sort of a set.
The program lasts almost an hour, and I think this is long enough, considering ones respectiveness towards a short film program. Films that are not being shown but are swirling around in the subsurface are, for instance, Martha Roslers Backyard Economy (1974), a film featuring her friend cutting the lawn and hanging up the laundry in her backyard. Or Dennis Oppenheims Star Exchange (1971), a performative setting where father and son are laying down in the grass, allegorizing stars with their bodies. Or, Morgan Fishers Turning Over, 1975, where he is riding a car until the tachometer has reached the 100.000 miles index.
Many thanks to the artists and the corresponding institutions for the exhibition rights.
(Melanie Ohnemus)

Nina Könnemann, The Fence, 1min36, color, silent, 16mm film transferred to video, 2007
Nina Könnemann, Early Morning Lessons, 2min, bw, silent, 16mm film transferred to video, 2004
You Never Know (Martin Ebner, Max Moswitzer, Peter Muhr), Highway to Hell, 4min, color, silent, video, 1996
Jimmie Durham, Stoning the Refrigerator, 3min15, color, sound, video, 1994
Nina Könnemann, Die Folter endet nie, 3min50, color, sound, music video for Tocotronic, 2010
Nina Könnemann, Tourbillon, 4min54, color, sound, video, 1999
Julia Feyrer, Untitled Sicily Film, 8min35, color, sound, 16mm film transferred to video, (in collaboration with Pietro Sanmarco), 2008
Jimmie Durham, Coffee Table, 7min30, color, sound, video, 2010
Kurt Kren, 3/60 Bäume im Herbst, 5min03, bw, sound, 16mm film transferred to video, 1960
Nina Könnemann, Typhoon, 1min40, color, silent, digital photo on dv, 2006
Nina Könnemann, Talon, 2min, color, silent, digital photo on dv, 2006
Kurt Kren, 15/67 TV, 4min08, bw, silent, 16mm film transferred to video, 1967
David Lamelas, Cumulative Script, 10min22, color, sound, 16mm film transferred to video, (installation), 1971



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