Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Bienal Nacional de Artes Visuales "Miradas"

Bienal Nacional de Artes Visuales "Miradas"

06.06.2014 - 17.08.2014

Centro Cultural Tijuana, CECUT, Tijuana / México

Since it was conceived as a creation of itself, the topic of vision is expressed through art. In the past, art was just considered a representation of the divine creation, but with the industrial society, art was transformed into a cogitation of the human ideals. Today, art constitutes the manifestation of the longings and the most diverse human experiences.

The Miradas Biennial offers to the public an opportunity to get closer to the thought, perception and conception of the artistic work of our country.... For the first time in twelve years, a group of novel artists and another of experienced artists in this event gather together in this sample. The objective is to contras the purposeful emerging discourses with the meditated work and the long-range sight of artists that have reached maturity.

In this dialogue of proposals, the problem that today’s society faces can be detected, as well as the way to face the future through renewal and a look to tradition. With the landscape that reflects, on the world we live in, to the human subjects as pain and celebration, every work here is part of the broad artistic vision that promotes this journey of the sight.
José Manuel Springer


Weitere Beteiligte:

Roberto Pacheco, Ana Sofía López, Arendine Navarro, Bernhard Hetzenauer, Armando Velarde, Mar Martínez, Reynaldo Díaz Zesati, Agustín Ramos, Pablo Llana, Guadalupe Garcia, Julio Barrita, Oslyn Whizar, Rogelio Santos, Vero Glezqui, Ingrid Hernández, Reynel Ortiz, Karen Perry Rioja, Esmeralda Gutierrez, César Dávalos, José Luis Ramírez and Jaime Colin.


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