Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Anna Meyer. Time Wounds All Healers

Anna Meyer. Time Wounds All Healers

Time Wounds All Healers / Zaman Tüm Sifacilari Yaralar / Die Zeit verwundet alle Heiler. 2013

05.11.2013 - 12.12.2013

Maçka Sanat Galerisi , Istanbul / Türkiye

From September to December 2012, Anna Meyer was an artist-in-residence in Istanbul. This was before the riots,yet amidst the urban transformations that contributed to the massive protests.

With her series of paintings, drawings,and models, the artist responds to the developments and upheavals that occurred in summer 2013.

During her stay, Anna Meyer wandered around the city, took photos, and made drawings. In her Istanbul studio, she started to paint on small-scale formats, and back in Vienna she transferred some of the motifs to larger formats and three-dimensional models....



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