Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Martina Stock. SET BACK

Martina Stock. SET BACK

04.04.2014 - 18.04.2014

Austrian Cultural Forum Washington, Washington / United States

Emotion and structure. Smoothness and contour. A play with attraction and rejection, togetherness. Martina Stock contrasts and confronts through various techniques two universal conditions: smoothness and clarity. She allows emotion and structure to correspond and presents moments. Her favorite techniques are large-format serigraphs on canvas and drawings, which you will recognize in their line Play.

With the Exibition „SET BACK“ Martina Stock presents her imagery and provides with the documentary "OFF-ROAD TOUR with harp and hang through Austria" and the "China Tour 2013", her music project CIFERENCE-SYMPHONY....



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