Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Melanie Ebenhoch

Melanie Ebenhoch

04.07.2013 - 25.07.2013

cigarettes in between lips in satiny red full of gloss
plus a bit too much of that parfume – just a bit more than usual

could this mean something?
no it doesn ´t mean anything, it ´s just lipstick and parfume – just a bit more than usual

cigarettes in between lips in satiny red full of gloss
plus a bit too much of that parfume – just a bit more than usual

but how can it not mean just a little bit of something, this is just one of the things girls do to seduce isn ´t it? yes, probably, true, this is what they do

cigarettes in between lips in satiny red full of gloss

plus a bit too much of that parfume – just a bit more than usual

but why, get it together, it ´s all so normal, why should any of this mean anything? it doesn ´t mean anything, it ´s just lipstick and parfume – just a bit more than usual

(Raoul Zöllner)



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