Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Unpublished Issue #1

Unpublished Issue #1

07.05.2010 - 07.05.2010

Depot, Kunst und Diskussion, Wien / Österreich (Veranstaltungsort)
nowiswere, Wien / Österreich

Unpublished Issue celebrates nowiswere’s 2-year existence as an online contemporary art magazine and is its first engagement with a live on-site audience. Unpublished Issue will echo the framework of nowiswere’s online presence by inviting writers, artists and curators to present insights into their momentary and subjective involvement with contemporary art and cultural production. But contrary to the constraints of nowiswere’s online manifestation which is bound to the written word and to 2-dimensional visual production, Unpublished Issue aims to explore the possibilities of the live encounter by hosting performative, interactive lectures and a showcase of visual work....

Fatos Ustek and Veronika Hauer (Founders & Editors of nowiswere) will kick off the event with an editorial introducing their conceptual and practical framework for publishing an online art magazine. Following Hauer/Ustek’s presentation, Skopje based artist & curator Yane Calovski will speak about his recent work with the Tate Collection. A screening of the film Ballad in Plain D by the Berlin based artist Anita Di Bianco will follow Calovski’s presentation. The evening will close with an investigation into the conditions of free time, free labour and the temporalities of contemporary cultural projects with the London based writer Mara Ferreri who will facilitate a collective mapping of present work/life conditions with the aim of opening a debate on time, contradictions, and the dictates of needs and desires with participants.



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