Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Concrete Geometries: Spatial Form in Social and Aesthetic..

Concrete Geometries: Spatial Form in Social and Aesthetic Processes

06.05.2011 - 27.05.2011

Austrian Cultural Forum London, London / United Kingdom

‘Concrete Geometries’ is a research initiative at the Architectural Association School of Architecture, investigating how geometric aspects of space such as size, shape or relative position of figures are perceived and influence behavior. A corridor, so narrow that strangers brush shoulders; a platform through a densely inhabited house, changing the relationship between inhabitant and visitor; a room reshaped through a graphic pattern; a space under a motorway, sloped in a way that it is rendered useless for those who need it most....

This exhibition, curated by Marianne Mu¨ller and Olaf Kneer, features works by emerging and renowned artists, architects and designers from around the world including the Vienna-based architecture practice SPAN architecture and design who will show their Austrian pavillion from the Shanghai Expo 2010.



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