Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Padiglione Azerbajan, Republica di. Relational, of Baku

Padiglione Azerbajan, Republica di. Relational, of Baku

04.06.2011 - 27.11.2011

LIV. Esposizione Internationale d'Arte, La Biennale di Venezia, Venezia / Italia

The exhibition in Palazzo Benzon will present two generations of artists of Azerbaijan who markedly advocate the current stimulating culture of Baku. The paintings, sculptures, installations and video they are presenting are relational to the socio-political and cultural environments they live in and they reflect intricate and complex statements and forms. All of them have witnessed and experienced the political and economical transformation of their nations in the last four decades; all of them had a strong modernist heritage determined by Soviet ideology; and all of them have experienced the rise of culture as symbolic capital.... Yet, for all of them, Baku is the nucleus of the fire that has ignited their creativity and their statements, concepts and forms of art address the international audiences.



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