Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Ben Washington. The Private Citizen

Ben Washington. The Private Citizen

Einladung: Ben Washington. The Private Citizen. 2010

19.01.2010 - 27.02.2010

Galerie Dana Charkasi, Wien / Österreich

Washington’s sculptures draw attention to their own physicality, often holding themselves upright through precarious acts of balance, appearing at times to defy physical laws, highlighting those laws and as a result intensifying the viewers’ relationship to the object and the space that they both occupy.
Washington’s work explores the intersection between space as it exists, as it is imagined and as it is experienced. It pulls together narratives of representation, drawing from sources as diverse as historical landscape art, to modes of architecture, to the constructed world of computer games and virtual reality.... By clashing these narratives and visual languages together, he creates new connections between the objects and their implicit meanings, encouraging new questions to be asked and new readings to be sought.

[Source: Invitiation]


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