Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Joseph Kosuth, Tsang Kin-Wah

Joseph Kosuth, Tsang Kin-Wah

29.11.2009 - 17.01.2010

Para/Site Art Space, Hong Kong / Zhongguo

This is the first time that Joseph Kosuth exhibits his work in China, and almost four years have passed since Tsang Kin-Wah's last solo show in Hong Kong. This exhibition opens a series of collaborations between artists from China and the West at Para/Site Art Space.

Tsang Kin-Wah has prepared the new installation If Someone Calls It Art, It's Kun(s)t, a text, sound and light installation related to Joseph Kosuth's works in the exhibition. The artist has included Kosuth's L'essence de la rhétorique est dans l'allégorie (1996) in this concept-specific installation, that addresses notions that are recurrent in the historical Conceptual Art Movement connected to linguistics and post-structuralism.... This work occupies the main gallery of Para/Site Art Space. Tsang Kin-Wah indicates that this new work 'â?Šexplores the openness, brutalities and 'limitations' of language and written texts, and, at the same time, makes comment on the 'cold, mechanical, conceptual bullshit' and its 'over-conceptualization' as a form of representation'.

The show includes a historical selection of ten works on paper by Joseph Kosuth, dating from 1996 to 2008, such as Kurz, eine Metapher istâ?Š(N. Goodman) (1996), Double Meaning (2005), Andersen Self Described (2006) and A Grammatical Remark (Pescara) (2005).
[Quelle: Einladungstext]


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