Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Investigation of a journey to the west by micro + polo

Investigation of a journey to the west by micro + polo

anothermountainman "red white blue: tea and chat", Venice 2005 (5)

12.06.2005 - 06.11.2005

Fondaco Marcello, Venezia / Italia
Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Hong Kong / Zhongguo
LI. Esposizione Internationale d'Arte, La Biennale di Venezia, Venezia / Italia

The exhibition features the works of two established Hong Kong artists anothermountainman and Chan Yuk-keung under the curatorship of Sabrina M.Y. Fung. It investigates the blending and divergence of cultures in our societies through the microcosmic vision of the artists and reflects parallels and differences between Hong Kong and Venice
Organisation: Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Hong Kong, China
Venue: Fondaco Marcello, San Marco, 3415
[Source: Asia Art Archive Website 2005]

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zuletzt geändert am 23.06.2005

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