Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Fever Dream

Fever Dream

15.11.2023 - 31.01.2024

Improper Walls, Wien / Österreich, 1150

The group exhibition Fever Dream explores all the ways in which the feelings of anxiety, disorientation, discomfort, and disbelief culminate in artistic projects by uncanny depictions of the everyday. Through a variety of media and spatial installations, the artistic projects in the exhibition highlight the bizarreness of our everyday lives, questioning various forms of commodification and our desire to influence situations that seem impossible to control. Artists Dan Adlešic, Maruša Uhan, Liga Spunde, Nikolá Balbercaková & Marketa Slana are frequently employing stories and fictional narratives to make sense of the zeitgeist and exploring whether they can be used to reflect the time we live in....

The exhibition is part of the international exhibition cycle that accompanies the second issue of the ETC. magazine. ETC. is an annual magazine, dedicated to showcasing current artistic production from the Baltic to the Balkans. The magazine is designed to bring together artists, curators, writers, and publishers who work in the field of contemporary art. As the magazine is focused on a different social/environmental/political issue in each publication, it is designed to be a platform for diverse voices and opinions from all over Europe, contributing to a wider understanding of a certain issue and the recontextualisation of a border-defined narrative. Based in Ljubljana, Slovenia, its goal is to promote emerging artists, initiate a dialogue, inspire collaborations, and challenge set views.


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zuletzt geändert am 18.12.2023

Kunst- und Forschungsdatenbank - basis wien