Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > REBELIANS OF PLEASURE


14.09.2020 - 14.09.2020

kulturen in bewegung, Wien / Österreich (Kulturpolitik)
Votivkirche, Wien / Österreich (Veranstaltungsort)
Wienwoche 2020. POWER AND PRIVILEGE, Wien / Österreich

Rebelians of Pleasure examines narratives of resistance in the context of racist ascriptions under the face of pleasure and good living.

Based on the writings of the black author and activist Adrienne Maree Brown, Musa Michelle Mattiuzzi develops a performance that negotiates pleasure and artistic experience at the intersection of virtual reality.

Thereby the live performance by Maque Pereyra and Mzamo Nondlwana meet the short film by Safira Moreira, May Irineu, Rajan Irineu, and Caique Mello.... A plastic bubble located in Votivkirche gives the framework for the stage which is accompanied by an original C-AFROBRASIL soundtrack. The works are inspired by pleasure activism by Maree Brown.

In the framework of a radio podcast, artists and activists that include adrienne maree brown, Castiel Vitorino, Geni Núñez, Tarsse, and Musa Michelle Mattiuzzi deal with the following questions: How can pleasure, healing, happiness and resistance go hand in hand? How can pleasure be cultivated and defined in the midst of a pandemic? How do we appropriate the right to feel pleasure?

“Pleasure gets lost under the weight of oppression, and it is liberatory work to reclaim our access to it”! – adrienne maree brown



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zuletzt geändert am 12.08.2022

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