Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Crystal Clear. Kyungrim Lim Jang

Crystal Clear. Kyungrim Lim Jang

02.04.2021 - 10.04.2021

Freies Theater Innsbruck, BRUX, Innsbruck / Österreich

Crystal Clear carries the experiences of Nita Tandon, a female artist who migrated from India (a member state of the Non-Aligned Movement) to Austria in the 70s. Her story is vocally performed by Tyrolean author Annemarie Regensburger. By weaving the story of a foreigner in a local tongue, the work unsettles the status of belonging embedded in the performance of a dialect. The artist questions expectation for a performance of ‚authentic‘ identity and points her finger inwards the fuzzy borders within, between us/them....

– The installation is in German with English subtitles
– The publication is in Tyrolean, translated into German by Astrid Tautscher and designed by Hannah Sakai. Sound editing by Huda Takriti.

Besuchszeiten im BRUX / Freies Theater Innsbruck:
Fr 02.04.21 | 16–19 Uhr
Fr 09.04.21 | 16–19 Uhr
Sa 10.04.21 | 16–19 Uhr

[Quelle: Programm]


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