Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Scapegoat Society

Scapegoat Society

08.01.2010 - 21.01.2010

Guest Projects, London / United Kingdom

Rainer Ganahl is one of eight international artists participating in Scapegoat Society, a multi-disciplinary exhibition exploring the role of the scapegoat in contemporary culture. Scapegoating is a hostile process in which people attempt to absolve themselves from culpability by transferring blame towards a target person or group. This age-old phenomenon is as prevalent today as it was in the times of witchhunts, and stands at the core of some of the most vicious acts against humanity. Curated by norn with Mark McGowan, the exhibition includes artists Carolina Caycedo, Rod Dickinson, Orange Alternative, Jacek Niegoda, Mark Raidpere, Boris Sincek and Silke Wagner.... A programme of performances and talks will accompany the exhibition – please see website for details.

[Quelle:, 13.09.2021]


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