Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Nada Prlja. Advanced Science of Morphology

Nada Prlja. Advanced Science of Morphology

Einladung: Nada Prlja. Advanced Science of Morphology. 2006

22.05.2006 - 07.06.2006

Marble Arch Park, London / United Kingdom

This public art project presents 26 combinations of the national flags of the states that once made up Yugoslavia. Flying for two weeks in Marble Arch Park, they temporarily replace the flags of the current member states of the European Union.
By morphing national identities, Advanced Science of Morphology brings into question the pursuit of unity in Europe and invites us to reflect on the roles we play in making and breaking dreams of European togetherness.

[Quelle: Einladung]

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