Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Elias Canetti, Aufzeichnungen für Marie-Louise - Sketches..

Elias Canetti, Aufzeichnungen für Marie-Louise - Sketches for Marie-Louise

Einladung: Elias Canetti, Aufzeichnungen für Marie-Louise - Sketches for Marie-Louise. 2005

10.11.2005 - 10.11.2005

Austrian Cultural Forum London, London / United Kingdom

Presentation and talk with Ines Schlenker (Marie-Louise von Motesiczky Charitable Trust, London), Jeremy Adler (King's College, London) and Kristian Wachinger (Hanser Verlag, Munich).

England in the early 1940s: Veza and Elias Canetti meet another emigrant from Austria, painter Marie-Luise von Motesiczky. A love affair soon develops between the painter and the author, the beginning of a lifelong friendship. Until the 1960s, Canetti worked in an attic room of the painter's Hampstead house. In March 2005, Hanser Verlag issued the first publication of a fair copy that Canetti gave to Marie-Louise in 1942, containing his thoughts onm Chinese poetry, fairy tales and legends, his fearful reflections on the ubiquity of germs, and his sarcastic vision of the end of the bombings.... [Quelle: Einladung]


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