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Art Archives Exchange

01.09.2018 - 31.08.2021

Archive of Fine Arts, Praha / Ceská Republika
Artpool Art Research Center, Budapest / Magyarország
basis wien – Kunst, Information und Archiv, Wien / Österreich, 1150
Moderna galerija Ljubljana, Ljubljana / Slovenija
Muzeul National de Arta Contemporana, Bucuresti / România

Art Archives Exchange - Educational Strategies for Contemporary Art Archives

Through contributing objects and knowledge to museum exhibitions, involving researchers, universities, schools and their students in workshops and projects, art archives contribute actively in the education on the social value of art and culture and stimulate critical thinking about different cultural and historical perspectives. Making their sources available to researchers worldwide all participating archives foster and initiate intercultural dialogue and learning, often pursuing participatory and intercultural approaches to heritage, involving a wide range of target groups....
Utilizing digital means enables art archives to preserve, contextualize and share their sources and research project worldwide. In order to be able to do so, professionals working in contemporary art archives have to be digitally competent and up to date with current developments. They have to continually learn new skills and integrate them into their work, alongside with educating their users on information and digital literacy.
Especially for smaller institutions this can only be realized as a common effort, in cooperation with other organizations. In the absence of specialized trainings and education opportunities for contemporary art archivists, work based and peer learning through professional exchange with similar institutions are integral ways for professionals in our field to improve their skills and learn new competencies.
The aim of this project is to focus on the educational role of contemporary art archives: art archivists need not only to have a good understanding of contemporary art, its conditions and institutional frameworks, they need many different skills including knowledge about librarian and archival standards, digitization and information technology, teaching and pedagogic competencies.

For the project „Art Archives Exchange - Educational Strategies for Contemporary Art Archives” the five partner institutions Artpool Art Research Center / Museum of Fine Arts Budapest, basis wien – Documentation Centre for Contemporary Art, Fine Arts Archive Prague, MNAC Bucharest, Moderna galerija Ljubljana will work together intensively over the course of 26 months to develop a re-usable model for sharing good practice example and educational strategies for contemporary art archives.

Defining core competences for contemporary art archives will lay the basis for a rotating roster of Learning Teaching /Training Activities in different peer groups. These will enable the participants to spend time at a partner institution, joining their colleagues in another country in their day-to-day work, earning new skills and building professional relations.

The results of the projects will be published in the form of good practice examples on a website designed for the project. Using a template, it will also be possible for outside institutions to publish their good practice examples.



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zuletzt geändert am 26.11.2021

Kunst- und Forschungsdatenbank - basis wien