Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Rudolf Strobl. DYE

Rudolf Strobl. DYE

Programm: VIZUALIZATOR. 2020

20.11.2020 - 15.12.2020

Österreichisches Kulturforum Belgrad, Beograd / Srbija (Kooperationspartner_in)
UK Stari grad, Beograd / Srbija (Veranstaltungsort)
VIZUALIZATOR, Beograd / Srbija

Rudolf Strobl is an Austrian conceptual artist. His photographic story “Dye” is the result of a project unique to the contemporary photography scene.
You will see a high quality production of photographs that are the result of the author's many years of work in the field of documentary photography, focusing on locations devoid of their original purpose and transformed into paintball arenas.

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