Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Friedl Kubelka/vom Groeller film screening and talk

Friedl Kubelka/vom Groeller film screening and talk

16.11.2016 - 16.11.2026

Austrian Cultural Forum London, London / United Kingdom

Austrian artist and filmmaker Friedl Kubelka/vom Groeller introduces and presents a screening of her work to accompany the ACF's Tender Touches exhibition.

Initially known for her conceptual photographic self-portraits, Friedl began making films in the late 1960s. Born in London to Viennese parents, the family returned to Vienna after the war.

To date she has made over 80 films and was awarded the Austrian Kunstpreis (Art Prize) for Film in 2016. The ACF's Tender Touches exhibition also fatures photos from her Pin-Ups series....

[Quelle:, 28.05.2021]


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