Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Mm Yu. INVENTORY


28.05.2011 - 02.07.2011

Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill, Graz / Österreich

In her exhibition “inventory” MM Yu presents new photographs and paintings.
Yu is interested in the actuality of her surrounding and preserves it photographically. By means of mundane images of Manila she documents life on
the threshold to globalization creating impressions that operate like stages, in terms of conception and colour.
An installation with 12 iPads arranged like a window is one of the main works in the exhibition. The viewer is invited to interact directly with her work.
Yu puts the terms postmodern computer- and media-culture to discussion.... With her paintings MM Yu ties up to the abstract expressionism of the 1940’s
and 50’s. Yu’s drip paintings appear like documents of a coincidental clash of colour and canvas and somehow like side products of her work. The drip
paintings serve as base for video works and consistently occur, partly in different forms, in Yu’s photographs.
MM Yu works in photography, video and painting. Her work is conceptual, project based and affected by autobiographic influences.“inventory” in
Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill is the first solo exhibition of MM Yu in Europe.

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