Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Thomas Geiger. Festival of Minimal Actions

Thomas Geiger. Festival of Minimal Actions

15.07.2020 - 02.08.2020

Kunsthalle Wien, Wien / Österreich
Öffentlicher Raum Wien, Wien / Österreich

Ort: Reumannplatz

As part of KISS, Thomas Geiger realizes a new edition of his Festival of Minimal Actions. In what could be considered a reawakening of performative works, Geiger creates situations that deal with the possibilities and impossibilities of physical interaction, affection, intimacy, and romance in public space during periods of pandemic. The festival – the main premise of which is a belief in the independence of performative works from their authors – brings together a concise selection of works by other artists that Geiger reperforms at Reumannplatz located in Vienna’s 10th district.... Through the Festival of Minimal Actions, Geiger allows Viennese audiences to see performances from multiple geographies, from various points in history, and by a variety of authors, which they can take part in without the need to travel, cross borders, or get tested for a virus.

[Quelle:, 13.08.2020]


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