Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Aggregated Animated Shorts. Fourth Annual International..

Aggregated Animated Shorts. Fourth Annual International Short Film Festival – Online

25.07.2020 - 18.02.2020

Aggregate Space Gallery, Oakland / United States

In our ongoing effort to present unique and challenging art experiences to the public, Aggregate Space Gallery is proud to launch this fourth celebration of non-commercial and experimental animation. Animation, as a subset within video art, is unique in its versatility as a communicative form and its ability to place viewers inside adjacent realities. It is a medium without rules or restrictions, and its content can address ideas as simple or as complex as the animator intends.

Narrative works:
Non-narrative works:

[Quelle: ]

>>>>> Die Liste der Beteiligten dieser Gruppenausstellung ist unvollständig. Hinweise bezüglich weiterer Beteiligter nehmen wir gerne entgegen.
>>>>> The list of participants of this group exhibition is not complete. Please contact us if you have information about further participants. [basis wien,27.07.2020]


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zuletzt geändert am 27.07.2020

Kunst- und Forschungsdatenbank - basis wien