Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > raúl i. lima. proposition joe

raúl i. lima. proposition joe

Einladung: raúl i. lima. proposition joe. 2020

23.04.2020 - 03.05.2020

WAF Galerie, Wien / Österreich

window show number 1:
raúl i. lima’s proposition joe

Proposition Joe is a character from the television series The Wire.
The title of this show doesn't really have too much to do with this HBO series,
but you should perhaps watch it anyways.
raúl i. lima made a cardboard brickwork on our windows, a resolute one — a display wall, a window to not watch into but through its gaps.raúl i. lima is glad to use construction materials for making his artworks, but if the conditions are adverse there's propositions and proposals to take into consideration....

"it's humorous but also serious." —jennifer gelardo

[Quelle: Einladung]


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