Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Jakob Radda. Down to the Farthest Roots

Jakob Radda. Down to the Farthest Roots

28.11.2019 - 07.12.2019

LLLLLL Verein für Kunst der Gegenwart, Wien / Österreich

‘Down to the Farthest Roots' marks the first solo show of Vienna based artist Jakob Radda and will showcase a series of botanical works on paper specifically commissioned for this exhibition. Join us for the private view!

Spirit, rehearse the journeys of the body
that are to come, the motions
of the matter that held you.

Rise up in the smoke of palo santo.
Fall to the earth in the falling rain.
Sink in, sink down to the farthest roots.
Mount slowly in the rising sap
to the branches, the crown, the leaf-tips....
Come down to earth as leaves in autumn
to lie in the patient rot of winter.
Rise again in spring's green fountains.
Drift in sunlight with the sacred pollen
to fall in blessing.
All earth's dust
has been life, held soul, is holy.

-Le Guin, Ursula K. "Come to Dust." Spells: 21st-Century Occult Poetry, Ignota Books, 2018

Jakob Radda is an artist based in Vienna, Austria who completed both a Foundation in Fine Art and BA in Architecture at Central Saint Martins, London, UK in 2011. Executed in the medium of drawing, painting and installation, his work investigates existential themes on the intersection of life, death and decay between human and non-human species.



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