Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Made in Taiwan

Made in Taiwan

16.05.2019 - 31.05.2019

Galerie Das Zimmer, Salzburg / Österreich

Made in Taiwan

tells a story about my journey back to my place of birth. With one backpack, one
sketchbook and one pen I’ve started to chase after interaction, communication and other people’s private and unique stories. Getting involved and connected had become my modus operandi. My greatest inspiration is derived from the environment and surroundings in which I find myself. In my daily life I am continually in search of
paradoxes, irony, satire, and taboos, from which to draw from and incorporate into my work.... Throughout these extraordinary moments, details, forgotten stories and every day
banalities, I made many sketches and notes. Back at the studio these sketches and notes served as the basis for developing new works. Creating works in several steps and layers allowed me to push things from what they are to what they might be. From inconspicuous to apparent, from unremarkable to unique, and from forgotten to visible again.



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zuletzt geändert am 19.07.2019

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