Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Padiglione Kosovo. Alban Muja. Family Album

Padiglione Kosovo. Alban Muja. Family Album

Ausstellungsinformation: Padiglione Kosovo. Alban Muja. Family Album. 2019

11.05.2019 - 24.11.2019

LVIII. Esposizione Internationale d'Arte, La Biennale di Venezia, Venezia / Italia

Family Album is a video installation by Pristina-based artist Alban Muja which digs deep into personal and collective memories of the Kosovo War (1998-1999) and questions the role that images and the media play in constructing and shaping narrative, identity, and history, especially in times of conflict. Twenty years after the end of the last war to have been fought on European soil in the 20th century, Muja invites four young adults to ruminate on childhood photos taken of them by photojournalists that show them fleeing their homes, ones that were subsequently published in newspapers around the world.... The faces on the screen react not so much to history as it actually happened, but as it was represented.



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zuletzt geändert am 20.05.2019

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