Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Padiglione Olanda. The Measurement of Presence

Padiglione Olanda. The Measurement of Presence

Ausstellungsinformation: Padiglione Olanda. The Measurement of Presence. 2019

11.05.2019 - 24.11.2019

LVIII. Esposizione Internationale d'Arte, La Biennale di Venezia, Venezia / Italia

The Measurement of Presence. The Biennale Arte is an arena for continuously redefining notions of nationhood and the locality of art. Remy Jungerman and Iris Kensmil’s The Measurement of Presence calls for an alternative, transnational approach towards what binds us, acknowledging that we are in a constant state of flux. Jungerman and Kensmil explore the possibilities that emerge from not just allowing but embracing this ongoing shift. They explore how a truer measurement of presence, spirit, and history are needed for our interconnected existence....



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