Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Republished: Questioning boundaries

Republished: Questioning boundaries

20.02.2019 - 30.03.2019

das weisse haus, Wien / Österreich

Reproducing, re-examining, redefining as well as questioning, changing, setting up and interpreting content are the strategies that the exhibition "Republished: Questioning Boundaries" deals with. The show presents artists' books that manipulate already published material and place it in a new context through a variety of interventions.
The participating artists create works based on literature classics such as "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad and "The Transformation" by Franz Kafka, on an atlas from the French colonial period or an erotic novel from the 1950s.... Depending on the content and genre of the original publication, the works displayed in the exhibition relate to topics such as colonialism, sexual agency, parallel worlds or artistic publications and, at the same time, explore the boundaries of the book as an artistic medium. Both artists’ books and accompanying pieces inspired by them (drawings, video or sound) will be displayed together in the form of an installation.

supported by phileas - a fund for contemporary art



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