Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Melanie Cobham_incipiente

Melanie Cobham_incipiente

10.10.2017 - 13.10.2017

Improper Walls, 1150, Wien / Österreich

incipiente (es) or incipient (en): beginning to happen or develop

"Time has always been one of the variables that de?ne artistic perception, creation and appreciation. It is impossible to conceive art as separated from its time, and although this is something that appeals to all artists, I often ?nd that I’m obsessed with the depiction of that time, with the dilemma of encapsulating its perception in a medium that is always insu?cient for the fourth dimension.
I am concerned with the deception that illusory concepts such as time and reality build around us, shaping our behavior.... In the following works, I have attempted to represent time through transitions, metamorphosis of elements between which I ?nd a connection. I am also interested in exploring the behavior of light and how it can seem to suspend time, creating abstract shapes within the most realistic of environments.
I pretend to create work that is as ambiguous and surreal as these concepts, aiming to encapsulate time, understand its behavior in nature and how it conditions humans, by managing the observer’s length of perception at my own will."

[Quelle:, 23.11.2018]


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