Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Anna-Sophie Berger. Modeanweisung

Anna-Sophie Berger. Modeanweisung

07.05.2013 - 07.05.2013

Ve.Sch, Verein für Raum und Form in der bildenden Kunst, Wien / Österreich

Ein Abend von Barbara Rüdiger

performer: Gerhard Jordan & Mira Bogner
speaker: Barbara Kovar
Anweisungen: 21:15 / 21:35 / 21:55

Modeanweisung is an instructional text for a fictional model, read aloud and recorded. The recording can be used in various ways. For example, it can be played to a number of people that are asked to carry out the instructions. The recording will be performed three times by two persons. As the conditions of the recipients change distinctively each time they hear the recording, the performers are not allowed to rehearse....



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