Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool

Einladung: Swimming Pool. 2018

21.01.2018 - 18.02.2018

brut, Koproduktionshaus Wien GmbH, Wien / Österreich
Jörgerbad, Wien / Österreich (Veranstaltungsort)

Sun, January 14, 2018 at 7:30 pm

Following performances
Sun, January 21, February 4, 11, 18, 2018 at 7:30 pm

Jörgerbad, Jörgerstraße 42-44, 1170 Vienna
Tickets and Info:
The bath will be entered in street wear, no swimming gear required. Please bring your own flip-flops.

In the evenings, the abandoned two-story swimming hallof Jörgerbad with its galleries resembles a temple with a quiet, reflecting water surface at its base. The performance uses and enhances this atmosphere and the quiet presence of the water to create a feeling of endlessness.... Swimming Pool assesses the potentials of transformation – of space, water, performers, objects, sounds and transparency – shuttling between the poles of sensuality and abstraction. The performance plays with the removal of objects and the space from their every-day operative contexts, exposing the audience to the conflicting feelings of safety and uncanniness.

Concept and artistic director: Oleg Soulimenko
Choreography and performance: Nanina Kotlowski, Johanna Nielson and
Oleg Soulimenko
Guest performers: Daria Nosik, Oliver Angel and Jasmin Hoffer
Divers: Kristina and Benjamin Taubald
Swimmers: Henriette Buchsenschütz, Gudrun Gross, Katharina Heugl,
Silvya Hirschvogel, Theresa Höller, Ali Kianmehr, Rafael Kopper, Elina Kränzle, Susann Rack, Ramona Sampl, Johannes Scheutz, Andrea Vezga, Michael Woels
Synchronized swimmer: Nurkhon Saidasanov
Artistic collaboration: Rosemarie Poiarkov
Artistic consultation: Katalin Erdödi
Set: Astrid Wagner
Costumes: Lise Lendais
Music: Oliver Stotz
Light: Sabine Wiesenbauer
Video: Dario Stefanek
Photo: Vance Gellert
Production management: Ines Kirchengast and Maiko Sakurai
Production assistant: Jasmin Hoffer

A co-production by Oleg Soulimenko/Vienna Magic and brut Wien
With the kind support of the City of Vienna's Department of Cultural Affairs and
Federal Chancellery of Austria
In collaboration with Jörgerbad/MA44. Thanks to Club Divestyle and ttp WUK

[Quelle: Einladung]


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