Database > Person / Group > Atelier E.B.

Atelier E.B.

Atelier E.B. is the company name under which the artist Lucy McKenzie and the designer Beca Lipscombe sign their collaborative projects. The group was formed in 2007 by Lipscombe and the illustrator Bernie Reid, who are based in Edinburgh, and McKenzie, who is originally from Glasgow and lives in Brussels. The intention from the beginning has been to explore the commercial realities of production and distribution, and, by extension, to incorporate the expertise and pragmatism of the applied arts to fine art.... Underpinning their ethos is a desire to form new associations, where both research-led and self-generated material combine to create a vision which is both personal and critical of contemporary mores. Of utmost importance is their desire to work with the best in local industry and independent producers and thinkers.

Works to date include commissioned display and interiors for public and private spaces, fashion, textiles, furniture, events and publishing. In Glasgow, Atelier E.B. presented The Inventors of Tradition (2011), an exhibition, catalogue and fashion collection that examined the legacy of Scotland’s textile industry. This and subsequent collection Ost End Girls (2013) was sold directly to the public through a series of showrooms and is now worn all over the world. The Inventors of Tradition II, their next project will be presented in spring 2015. It will encompass retail, performance and installation. Their new fashion collection will be released simultaneously. Atelier E.B. continue to work closely with the independent curatorial practice Panel (Catriona Duffy and Lucy McEachan), and graphic designers HIT Studio.



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last modified at 19.04.2016

Art and Research Database - basis wien