Database > Institutions > curated by_vienna 2022, KELET

curated by_vienna 2022, KELET

Information: curated by_vienna 2022, KELET. 2022

09.09.2022 - 08.10.2022
Wien / Österreich

This year’s theme KELET is dominated by the traumatic geopolitical events that currently overshadow all art and culture talk, namely the Ukraine war. This is particularly keenly felt in a city like Vienna, which historically has long been the easternmost of the major capitals. Impulsgeber Dieter Roelstraete has suggested calling this overarching thematic framework “Kelet,” which is Hungarian for “East”-the opposite of “Nyugat,” the title of an influential avant-garde journal published in Budapest in the early years of the 20th century.

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last modified at 14.09.2022

Art and Research Database - basis wien