Database > Exhibition / Event > The death wish of self-realizers.

The death wish of self-realizers.

Einladung: The death wish of self-realizers. 2016

24.04.2016 - 30.04.2016

Opening: 23.04.2016 / 18:00

Anthropological Raptus, Number 14/241
For gottrekorder e.v. Graz
Vienna/London, 01.03. 2016

The Death Wish of Self-Realizers / Part 1

New! It is important to lose yourself. It is more important to lose yourself than to find yourself in the formalism and convention of show displays and show creations.
To lose yourself in the face of the show, in the face of the production of the other, the other which you find only through and in going lost to yourself!

The “going” is the movement (an active process that is undertaken with effort).... Those who make exhibitions should not realize themselves in the show but rather lose themselves in the show and realize in it what is other.
This also means lifting something free, letting something go – of yourself. And not as in self-realization insisting on a detail, some part of the self, manifesting it and thus taking it out of movement (action) and making it into something fixed.
This is a process of dying, and its manifest realization is death.
The death wish of the self-realizer.

To desire to realize something that is ephemeral (moving as potential and moveable as action through effort, and effort means directed willing) is a dying. A slowing to a standstill of movement, of the moveable, of the moved being itself! This is dying.
The moved becomes fixed. The reference of the movement to itself, the moved and co-moved, vanishes with the dwindling movement.

The movement, which makes the material into the body, ceases and the body ceases (incessantly) to become. It ceases to be always in becoming, caught up in and grasped by movement and change – and is then (again, only) material. Nothing moveable any longer adheres to it – in and of itself.



The soul forgets again (Plato).

[Quelle: Einladung]


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last modified at 19.04.2016

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