Database > Exhibition / Event > Ivan Moudov

Ivan Moudov

Einladung: Ivan Moudov. 2015


Kluckyland, Wien / Österreich

m Rahmen seiner Tour präsentiert Ivan Moudov neue Arbeiten sowie sein aktuelles Ausstellungsprojekt CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY.
At this stop of his tour, Ivan Moudov is presenting new work among the Exhibition Project CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY at KLUCKYLAND.


Ivan Moudov


Would you like to become the owner of an artwork?

Would you like to contribute to the development and progress of contemporary art?

Do you have money?

If so, we have a solution for you....

The result of Ivan Mouldov’s exhibition at KLUCKYLAND is an overview exhibition in the form of a catalog of the artist. Every page of the exhibited catalog is an original work of art available to the KLUCKYLAND'S visitors at an affordable price. All the pages of the catalog containing reproductions of the artist’s works are for sale, as well as the pages containing texts written by different authors. By purchasing a page the new owner will officially approve the publication of the page in the catalog and will thus also become a co-editor of the catalog. The name of the page owner and consequentially the owner of the work of art will be published in the colophon, unless the buyer wishes to remain anonymous. Furthermore, the owner of an individual page of the catalog will also become the owner of all the periods on that page. He or she will be the exclusive owner of such since the artist will insert them by hand on all the printed pages intended for sale. The final version of the catalog for circulation will not include periods.

The exhibition project is based on reduction, since with every new exhibition it will decrease while the extent of the catalog will grow proportionately. Any pages not sold in Vienna will be available at the artist’s exhibitions later in the year. The printed version of the catalog will be published only at the end of 2015, and the pages that no one has purchased by such time will not be included therein.

Therefore, you should take advantage of this great opportunity to become the owner of an original artwork by Ivan Moudov, which will be made available at the exhibition opening at a very attractive price. All buyers will receive a certificate confirming the originality of the artwork with the author’s signature.

No returns.

Lifetime warranty included.

[Quelle: Einladung]


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last modified at 11.11.2015

Art and Research Database - basis wien