Database > Exhibition / Event > Miete Strom Gas oder Brasilien Wax

Miete Strom Gas oder Brasilien Wax

01.05.2009 - 03.05.2009

freiraum Q21, Wien / Österreich

Do.., 30. April 20.30 Uhr
Constanze Schweiger / Jasmin Trabichler „Two Step Slow Drag“
with sound guest Philip Quehenberger & DD Kern

Sa., 2. May 20Uhr
Tanja Widmann / „To offer you something 1/3“ (Tanja Widmann/Ulrike Köppinger)

INSTITUT [for contemporary art] is a curatorial start-up to develop context-specific institutional models within a pre-existing infrastructure of another institution.

INSTITUT [ ] exhibitions are temporary (or spontaneous) and generally have a short run as they are between 2 previously organised exhibitions....

Things are going to get worse before they get better (B. Obama), therefore most of will have to start making some hard choices. Not only for individuals or families but institutions aswell… Content or surface, infrastructure or media hype, reality or illusion… or put another way Rent (& Utilities) or a Brazilian wax.

“Miete, Strom and Gas. The title is taken from a 1980s museum exhibition from Martin Kippenberger, the title seemed relevant since the INSTITUT[ ] has no fixed home and is constantly migrating, interested purely in the infrastructure of others institutions. The INSTITUT[ ] is parasitic- utilising what is necessary and leaving everything else behind… the exhibition as such is a running gag… but here the expression ‘running gag’ should be understood literally… Moving, continuing on, keeping up the pace… a good excuse for me to keep moving from city to city – because I need to be on the move. Still, part of me would like to stay put. Every time I move, I furnish an entire apartment. So I spend money and to earn back the money spent… I put on some exhibitions.” (M. Kippenberger)

oder Brasilien Wax“ A ‚Brazilian wax’ in an ‘institutional’ context is the illusion of success, how things appear on the surface. The Trojan horse most institutions utilize to attract private and corporate sponsors to support their institutional endeavors… So in times of financial crisis, institutions must streamline all activities but retain the allure of success, so the sexier the better. Luxury is in the details… or as Le Corbusier stated ‚the luxury object is well made, neat and clean, pure and healthy, and its bareness reveals the quality of its manufacture’ [where as low-culture] ‚trash is always abundantly decorated’.

Michael Hall


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last modified at 12.03.2012

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