Database > Exhibition / Event > Lone Haugaard Madsen. Rum#310

Lone Haugaard Madsen. Rum#310

26.11.2011 - 29.01.2012

Overgaden, København / Danmark

Over a period of years Lone Haugaard Madsen has developed a sculptural language in which she includes social practices and performative acts to reflect on the status of sculpture and space. In her first solo exhibition in a Danish context Lone Haugaard Madsen will use Overgaden's ground floor as an experimental laboratory. Sculptural installations, consisting of found objects and ready mades among other things, will take form on the spot as part of a scenographic whole, where elements of humour, poetry and irony occur on equal terms with phenomenological insight....



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last modified at 27.09.2011

Art and Research Database - basis wien