Database > Exhibition / Event > BLACK PAGES #19 ALEXANDRA


Einladung: BLACK PAGES #19 ALEXANDRA. 2011

16.03.2011 - 16.03.2011

BLACK PAGES, Wien / Österreich
Galerie Martin van Zomeren, gmvz, Amsterdam / Nederland

BLACK PAGES is a monthly releasing artist-fanzine in an edition of 300 pieces.
BLACK PAGES comes in the format A5, including 20 pages, printed in black&white.
BLACK PAGES invites one artist to collaborate and renames after his/her forename.
BLACK PAGES continues with issue#19 ALEXANDRA featuring Berlin based artist Alexandra Leykauf.
BLACK PAGES is a project by Vienna based artists Christoph Meier, Ute Müller and Nick Oberthaler.
BLACK PAGES is available at Salon für Kunstbuch (Vienna), Secession (Vienna), Gallery D....O.R. (Bruxelles),
WIELS Center for Contemporary Art (Bruxelles), Florence Loewy (Paris), do you read me?! (Berlin), Inc. livros e edições de autor (Porto),
Andreiana Mihail Gallery (Bucharest), bookartbookshop (London), Detrius (New Haven) and Printed Matter (New York).


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last modified at 26.04.2011

Art and Research Database - basis wien