Database > Exhibition / Event > Projects and Assignments - Christian Egger, Scoli Acosta

Projects and Assignments - Christian Egger, Scoli Acosta

Einladung: Projects and Assignments - Christian Egger, Scoli Acosta. 2010

23.11.2010 - 23.11.2010

Saprophyt, Wien / Österreich

Revolutionary Letter # 13
from Revolutionary Letters by Diane di Prima

Now let me tell you what is a brahma shastra
brahma shastra, hindu weapon of war
near as I can make out a flying wedge of mind energy hurled at the foe by a god or hero
how many heroes?
hurled at a problem or enemy
cracking it
brahma shastra can be made by any or all
can be made by all of us
straight or tripping
thinking together
like.…all of us stop the war at nine o’clock tomorrow
each take one soldier see him clearly
love him
take the gun out of his hand
lead him to a quiet spot
sit him down
sit with him as he takes a joint of Viet Cong grass from his pocket
brahma shastra can be made
by all of us tripping together summer solstice at home or in park wandering
sitting with friends blinds closed or on porch
no be in
no need to gather publicly just gather spirit see the forest growing put back the big trees
put back the buffalo the grasslands of the midwest with their herds of elk and deer
put fish in clean great lakes
desire that all surface water on planet be clean again
kneel down and drink from whatever brook or lake you conjure up....

(transcribed from youtube by Scoli Acosta, October 4, 2010. From recording, Dial-A-Poem Poets, Giorno Poetry Systems, 001-002, 1072)

(Source: Invitation)


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last modified at 04.03.2011

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