Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Isa Schmidlehner

Isa Schmidlehner

Einladung: Isa Schmidlehner. 2010

18.11.2010 - 21.01.2011

Galerie Patrick Ebensperger, Berlin, Berlin / Deutschland

Isa Schmidlehner (* 1971 in Vienna) studied Painting and graphic art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna at the class of Sue Williams.
Isa Schmidlehner´s work is based on the use of figures and theatrical settings, which are dreamy, uncanny and sometimes apocalyptically festive and joyful.
The sceneries she constructs within the space of the canvas are at the same time present and carried away .
The results are suspended moments, which are pervaded by painting and strong colors.
They tend to detach themselves from the figure and the scenery in order to pretend autonomy, which they never gain....
Through this, the artist creates very basic " huis clos" situations with no escape but, paradoxically with a lot of space.

[Source: Invitiation]


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zuletzt geändert am 12.11.2010

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