Database > Exhibition / Event > Brett Murray. Crocodile Tears

Brett Murray. Crocodile Tears

10.04.2008 - 03.05.2008

The Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg / South Africa

Brett Murray’s exhibition Crocodile Tears provides a humorous, satirical, and sometimes tragic reflection on notions of renaissance within the South African context. In this new body of work, including bronze sculptures, two-dimensional cut-outs and works on paper, the artist explores the complex relationships between power and its subjects with the incisive critique and wit we have come to expect of him.

Provocative portraits cut from mild steel and coated in Fools Gold representing the seven deadly sins and toy-like bronze poodles addressing notions of power, patronage and sycophancy comment on the times in which we live and the seemingly farcical appearance of political players and dispensations, venal bureaucracies and fallible business ethics....

(Aus: Einladung)


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last modified at 02.04.2009

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