Database > Exhibition / Event > After the Wall. Art and culture in post-Communist Europe

After the Wall. Art and culture in post-Communist Europe

16.10.1999 - 16.01.1999

Moderna Museet, Stockholm / Sverige
P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art, Ljubljana / Slovenija

The project sheds light on the visual art, film, photography and video that have grown up in Eastern and Central Europe and the former Soviet Union, during the decade after perestroika and the fall of the Berlin Wall. In collaboration with the cultural ministries of the countries involved and with Soros Cultural Centres, the project will be presented as an exhibition, book and a symposium. The purpose of the project is to define the present situation in terms of the changes that have taken place and the scope of this changes in the respective countries.... The symposium is arranged in cooperation with the Swedish Institute/Partnership for Culture. The exhibition will be highly selective and only pieces shown on a qualitative basis will be exhibited. It is intended that the exhibition can also be set up outside the walls of Moderna Museet, in other places in Stockholm and eventually tour in both western and eastern Europe.
Curators: Chief Curator Bojana Pejic, (Berlin) with David Elliott, Director of Moderna Museet and Iris Müller-Westermann, Curator of Moderna Museet, projectleader.
Press conference, October 14, 1999.
An accompaning publication in English is being published with specially commissioned essays, an anthology of art criticism, illustrations of the work in the exhibition, biographies of the artists and a full political and cultural chronology, SEK 450.
An Exhibition Guide in Swedish is being published, ca 150 pages, SEK 50.
(Presseinformation: Moderna museet Stockholm)


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