Database > Exhibition / Event > Neil Cummings, Marysia Lewandowka. Enthusiasm

Neil Cummings, Marysia Lewandowka. Enthusiasm

Einladung: Neil Cummings, Marysia Lewandowka. Enthusiasm. 2005

28.10.2005 - 15.01.2006

Centrum Sztuki Wspolczesnej, CSW, Warszawa / Polska
Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona / España

On this occasion, Neil Cummings and Marysia Lewandowska have created an exhibition and archive of films produced by the Polish amateur film movement between the fifties until the mid eighthies. In Poland in the socialist era leisure was organised through factory clubs sponsored by the state, the most popular were those that encouraged film making. Alongside - or against- the official culture of the late Cold War in the Soviet block, workers managed to capture the scenes around them subversiveley and offerd narratives of love and loss, or desire and yearning, while showing relations whith work, celebrations, consumption and leisure....

(aus: Einladung/Invitation: Neil Cummings, Marysia Lewandowka. Enthusiasm)


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last modified at 18.01.2006

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