Database > Exhibition / Event > Jo Spence. Más allá de la imagen perfecta / Beyond the..

Jo Spence. Más allá de la imagen perfecta / Beyond the Perfect Image

Einladung: Jo Spence. Beyond the Perfect Image. 2006

27.10.2005 - 15.01.2006

Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, MACBA, Barcelona / España

Jo Spence (London, 1934 - 1992) was a crucial figure in the debates on photography and criticism of representation in the seventies and eighties. Her photographs, inspired by the work of Bertold Brecht and John Heartfield, among others, explore the ways social identities are constructed and propose a subjective reappropriation of popular uses of the image.

(aus: Einladung/Invitation: Jo Spence. Beyond the Perfect Image)

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last modified at 04.02.2006

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