Database > Exhibition / Event > Only nothing

Only nothing

02.11.2019 - 18.12.2018

Rhubaba Gallery and Studios, Edinburgh / United Kingdom

The exhibition explores political struggles, moments and objects of ‘‘self-realisations’’ found in and against the art world; ideas, mythologies and histories of artistic creation and self expression. Such ideas are confronted by the understanding of art as feminised labour, and of artists as workers constrained by, and contributing to, existing systemic inequalities. Only nothing sets out to interrogate these seemingly unresolvable paradoxes by framing them within the context of gendered, racialised, heteronormative capitalist totality....

Only nothing* consists of new work by Glasgow-based ceramicist Dawn Youll, video works from Johanna Billing and Natasha A. Kelly, sculpture by Jennifer Bailey, works by Tanja Ostojic, publications and a new podcast from Sophie Hope and Jenny Richards aka Manual Labours, as well as newly commissioned contributions to Rhubaba’s resource reader from writers Angela Dimitrakaki and Laura Guy.

*[…] Respect whatever pain you bring back
from your dreaming
but do not look for new gods
in the sea
nor in any part of a rainbow.

Each time you love
love as deeply
as if it were forever
only nothing is eternal. […]

– Audre Lorde, For Each of You, 1970



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last modified at 23.09.2024

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